When: Monday August 19th at 8:00pm Where: The Paramount Room, 701 W Sheridan Ave, Oklahoma City, OK 73102 Price: FREE!!!! Well looks like we're back at it with another 'TOONS ON THE ROCKS' at The Paramount Room! This show is back by audience demand! We had such a blast last time that we're totally doing it again! We'll be screening old classic cartoons on VHS brought by YOU the fans! So if you've got a wacky/favorite cartoon that you want to bring in, DO IT! We'll try and get through as many as we can! We'd like to keep the cartoons to PG-13 or so, so folks can bring the kiddos if they want though I assume the audience commentary will be 'salty' at the least. This screening is FREE and we invite you to all come out and hang with us and kick back to some classic toons! Also, we'll be taking donations for Pine Pantry as we had such a nice response last time! So bring us some food and beat the heat supplies for our less fortunate neighbors. The Paramount Screening Room has onsite concessions and a bar for adult beverages. SHOW STARTS AT 8:00PM/!! FREE SHOW!!
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When: Friday August 16th at 8:00pm Where: Rodeo Cinema, 2221 Exchange Ave, Oklahoma City, OK 73108 Price: ONLY $10.00! "A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away..." For the first time since the 90's, the original 1977 'Star Wars' is coming back to the big screen and Rodeo Cinema wants to celebrate this with you! Somewhere in space, this may all be happening right now. Twentieth Century Fox and George Lucas, the man who brought you 'American Graffiti', now bring you an adventure unlike anything on your planet. STAR WARS! The story of a boy, a girl, and a universe. It's a big, sprawling space saga of rebellion and romance. It's a spectacle, light years ahead of its time. It's an epic of heroes, and villains, and aliens from a thousand worlds. STAR WARS! A billion years in the making! This is ONE NIGHT ONLY special VHSANDCHILL event! So don't miss the opportunity to see the one that started it all, back up on the silver screen! First 20 people in get a one of kind ‘Star Wars’ button! More fun surprises to come! TICKETS ON SALE NOW AT RODEOCINEMA.ORG When: Thursday August 15th at 8:00pm Where: Elk Valley Brewery, 1210 N Hudson Ave, OKC, OK 73103 Price: FREE Together, with Elk Valley Brewing Co, we're bringing you a new VHS series here in Oklahoma City! Welcome to 'VHS GRINDHOUSE'!!! We're back for another VHS adventure!!! These screenings will be presented in glorious VHS at the Elk Valley Brewery! They've been hand picked by Elk Valley and us for maximum carnage! These will be the best action, kung-fu, and grindhouse flicks still available on video cassette! This month’s feature is an 80’s sci-fi romp into THE FORBIDDEN ZONE that is about as bananas as one could expect! So come out, have some of the BEST Made-in-Oklahoma Beer, and enjoy an evening of brew and action the likes of which this city has never seen! When: Tuesday August 13th at 7:00pm Where: The Paramount Room, 701 W Sheridan Ave, Oklahoma City, OK 73102 Price: FREE!!!! Bring your film knowledge and get ready to show everyone that those "marathons" have paid off! Hosted by Brian Pelts and Sean Peel from VHS and CHILL! Trivia starts at 7pm Prizes for 1st place! Bring your noggin! See ya here When: Wednesday August 7th at 7:00pm Where: The Paramount Room, 701 W Sheridan Ave, Oklahoma City, OK 73102 Price: FREE!!!! Our 2019 VHS series out at The Paramount Room on Film Row is steamrolling right along! Welcome to BLOCKBUSTED VIDEO! This film is notable for one reason and one reason only, it premiered the very first theatrical trailer for 'Star Wars: The Phantom Menace'. Due to people just buying a ticket, coming in and watching the trailer, then leaving, this movie was able to have a #1 opening weekend. It did not deserve this at all. Though I LOVE the video game series it's based on, and the movie does have it's charms (most notably the cast), it was not remembered fondly in the Video Game Movie Hall of Fame. Some come out and KICK SOME KILRATHI BUTT with us! With our friend Keeva Danielle, we're reviving the old BLOCKBUSTED VIDEO show from 2017 but with a twist! We're going to be riffing on this movie together. So talking, joking, singing, and pretty much everything else is, not only, allowed but ABSOLUTELY encouraged! These screenings are always FREE and we invite you all out to come hang and have a good time riffing on this hilariously bad film! The Paramount Screening Room has onsite concessions and a bar for adult beverages. These screenings will be every first Wednesday of the month! Show starts at 7:00pm! SHOW STARTS AT 7:00PM/!! FREE SHOW!! When: Thursday July 18th at 8:00pm Where: Elk Valley Brewery, 1210 N Hudson Ave, OKC, OK 73103 Price: FREE Together, with Elk Valley Brewing Co, we're bringing you a new VHS series here in Oklahoma City! Welcome to 'VHS GRINDHOUSE'!!! These screenings will be presented in glorious VHS at the Elk Valley Brewery! They've been hand picked by Elk Valley and us for maximum carnage! These will be the best action, kung-fu, and grindhouse flicks still available on video cassette! This film is absolutely insane. I remember when I saw this flick for the first time I don't think I caught even HALF the jokes and references. Watching it over and over through the years it just keeps getting better and better. Prepare yourself! So come out, have some of the BEST Made-in-Oklahoma Beer, and enjoy an evening of brew and action the likes of which this city has never seen! When: Monday July 15th at 8:00pm Where: The Paramount Room, 701 W Sheridan Ave, Oklahoma City, OK 73102 Price: FREE!!!! We're trying out something a little new here with 'TOONS ON THE ROCKS'! This is a show put together by fan requests! We'll be screening old classic cartoons on VHS brought by YOU the fans! So if you've got a wacky/favorite cartoon that you want to bring in, DO IT! We'll try and get through as many as we can! We'd like to keep the cartoons to PG-13 or so, so folks can bring the kiddos if they want though I assume the audience commentary will be 'salty' at the least. This screening is FREE and we invite you to all come out and hang with us and kick back to some classic toons! The Paramount Screening Room has onsite concessions and a bar for adult beverages. SHOW STARTS AT 8:00PM/!! FREE SHOW!! 7-12-19 - LIVE! on the Plaza @ THE PLAZA DISTRICT (VHSANDCHILL Outdoor Screening @ PLAZA BACKYARD)7/14/2019 LIVE! on the Plaza is the Plaza District's free & monthly artwalk featuring art shows, live entertainment, great food and local shopping. Join us as we celebrate one of Oklahoma City's best monthly festivals! Activities: VHS and CHILL - TBA Much more to be announced! Featured Non-Profit Freedom Oklahoma Friends of the Plaza VIP Area: 6:30-8pm Location: Pie Junkie Join the FOP VIP experience with treats courtesy of Fowler Automotive and Anthem Brewing Company, LLC, Official Craft Beer of Friends of the Plaza. Friends of the Plaza is presented by Fowler Automotive. Not a Friend? Sign up or renew here: http://www.plazadistrict.org/fop/ LIVE on the Plaza is presented by Fowler Automotive and Oklahoma's Credit Union When: Wednesday July 3rd at 7:00pm Where: The Paramount Room, 701 W Sheridan Ave, Oklahoma City, OK 73102 Price: FREE!!!! Our 2019 VHS series out at The Paramount Room on Film Row is steamrolling right along! Welcome to BLOCKBUSTED VIDEO! With our friend Keeva Danielle, we're reviving the old BLOCKBUSTED VIDEO show from 2017 but with a twist! We're going to be riffing on this movie together. So talking, joking, singing, and pretty much everything else is, not only, allowed but ABSOLUTELY encouraged! These screenings are always FREE and we invite you all out to come hang and have a good time riffing on this hilariously bad film! The Paramount Screening Room has onsite concessions and a bar for adult beverages. These screenings will be every first Wednesday of the month! Show starts at 7:00pm! SHOW STARTS AT 7:00PM/!! FREE SHOW!! When: Thursday June 20th at 8:00pm Where: Elk Valley Brewery, 1210 N Hudson Ave, OKC, OK 73103 Price: FREE Together, with Elk Valley Brewing Co, we're bringing you a new VHS series here in Oklahoma City! Welcome to 'VHS GRINDHOUSE'!!! We're back for another VHS adventure!!! These screenings will be presented in glorious VHS at the Elk Valley Brewery! They've been hand picked by Elk Valley and us for maximum carnage! These will be the best action, kung-fu, and grindhouse flicks still available on video cassette! This film is absolutely insane. I remember when I saw this flick for the first time I don't think I caught even HALF the jokes and references. Watching it over and over through the years it just keeps getting better and better. Prepare yourself! So come out, have some of the BEST Made-in-Oklahoma Beer, and enjoy an evening of brew and action the likes of which this city has never seen! |
March 2025